How to Prevent Steam Piping Leaks

You must maintain your steam piping if you don’t want to replace it. If steam piping hasn’t been taken care of in 3 to 5 years… it can mean trouble. The steam trap piping has a 15 to 30 percent chance of leaking. 

If the steam trap piping fails, that means the steam piping leaks. And live steam travels into the condensate return system. So, that means your facility wastes time on repairs and loses money. 

It’s better to repair busted steam piping than to replace it… repairs save you money. Keep reading to learn how to stop this from happening. 

Common Causes for Steam Trap Piping Leaks

Did you know steam traps count as machinery? Since they are machinery, that means there’s plenty of leaks likely to happen. Here are some of the main causes your steam trap piping may leak. 

Dirt is a huge culprit for causing leaks in steam trap piping. Excess dirt and dust may cause plugging or leaks, preventing your steam trap piping from opening or closing. 

Have you ever heard of a pressure surge within steam trap piping? This may happen because the valve of the steam trap opens too fast or misapplications with the trap.  

Oversizing may cause a steam trap to put in more effort than it needs to. This may make the trap blow out live steam. 

How to Prevent Steam Leaks

Steam leaks can cost you a lot of money, so it’s best to stop them before they start. A steam piping system may seem confusing, but there are many ways to prevent steam leaks. Here are some ways to prevent steam piping leaks

Create an inspection survey for your steam traps. Implement the survey within your facility when needed. This will help you make sure everything runs smoothly and prevents leaks. 

Don’t forget to mark down and map your steam trap systems. This will help you keep track of all your steam traps, so none go unchecked. Keep inspection records, so you have them on hand in case something goes wrong.

Test the control valves for your steam trap piping to ensure they’re working well. And inspect the steam system’s insulation… improper insulation may cost you money. 

Signs of a Steam Piping Leak

These are a few signs of a steam pipe leak. There may be pressure-reducing valves on your steam piping systems. If they’re failing to keep their set pressure, that’s a sign the system may be failing. 

Reduction in production quality is another sign there may be an issue with your steam piping. The cost of maintaining needed heat exchangers has gone up. 

Our Services

If your facility needs help repairing steam piping, you’ve come to the right place. We offer all kinds of services like one-line leak repair and coatings and linings. 

One of our goals is to prevent accidents while on the job. So, we take pride in implementing safety measures to keep our workers out of harm’s way. We also provide extensive safety training to our staff members. 

Check out our website to learn more about steam trap piping leaks. And don’t forget to contact us to book a repair appointment for your steam trap system. 



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