3 Tips for Detecting an Exhaust Leak

When it comes to running any kind of industrial space, safety must be paramount. Accidents and incidents occur far too common a rate every year, and these incidents can destroy efficiency or even worse, bring injury to your employees.

An exhaust leak is one such issue that could potentially prove to have huge and unfortunate consequences if not taken care of. If you’re unsure of how best to detect and repair an exhaust leak, it’s something that should be high on your priority list.

What do you need to know about how to find an exhaust leak? Read on and we’ll walk you through the basics of what you need to know.

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1. Listen and Smell

The point of an exhaust system is to safely allow gases to release from a combustion chamber. If there is a leak somewhere in your exhaust system, it could mean these gases could be emitting into areas that could be dangerous.

What are the signs that you need to look out for if you’re worried about this kind of leak?

One of the things you should look out for is unusual loud noises. A crack in a pipe can produce a loud hissing or tapping sound that should catch your ear. Depending on the size and location of the crack, this sound should be more evident.

Your sense of smell will also come in handy. If you’re smelling a strong gas smell near your exhaust system, it might be an indication that gases are leaking out in a way that is not intentional.

2. Look at Overall Efficiency

If your system has been working less efficiently or having other performance issues, it also might be an indication there is a leak.

Leaks can reduce overall efficiency and release pressure in areas where this pressure is needed. If you’ve noticed a dip in efficiency in this way, it might be a sign to go out looking for a leak.

3. Repairing an Exhaust Leak

Unfortunately, attempting a DIY repair for an exhaust leak is not a recommended task to take on. Often, this kind of leak leads to metal corrosion and will need a broader replacement which will require the skills of a professional.

Depending on the severity of the leak, using sealants, tapes, or putties might be an applicable solution. However, it should be said that using any of these solutions will be similar to putting a band-aid on the problem.

They are temporary solutions and not permanent ones, and a full-scale replacement and repair will still need to be done sooner rather than later.

Exhaust Leaking? What To Do

If there is an exhaust leak in your system, it’s a problem that you won’t want to avoid for long. This kind of leak can lead to all sorts of issues and is not something you’ll want to allow to persist for long. The above information can help to identify and address the issue.

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